
Anti-terrorism `stop and search' figures

In 2009-10, only two people were arrested for terrorism-related offences out of 92,000 stopped and search. 31% of people stopped (50% in London) were from ethnic minorities, according to...

15 April 2011

Parrots, drugs and undercover police

Parrot poaching in Bolivia, drug manufacturing in clandestine laboratories and undercover policing in Holland. It's difficult to know where to start in the March 2011 issue of the British Journal of Criminology...

15 April 2011

G20 kettling: it was illegal

The High Court has rulled that the Metropolitan police broke the law by kettling up to 5,000 demonstrators at the G20 protests in April 2009 and that it was `unjustified' because there...

14 April 2011

Phone-hacking issue

Yates, the acting deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, admitted that Scotland Yard could have done more to get in touch with probable victims of phone-hacking. London Mayor...

11 April 2011

Dogs-DNA database

Sophisticated DNA testing will soon be used to catch the owners of dogs who fail to clean up after their pets in the Italian island of Capri; local police will have the task of collecting the...

11 April 2011

'Shut your mouth and listen'

Is what a judge said to a defendant just before he had to give evidence on why he had two knives in his car. Koenya Tedjame-Mortty was left `anxious and shaken' after the exchange in which the crown court judge was `rude, harsh and sarcastic' during his trial last year, the Court of Appeal was...

8 April 2011

Police's control rooms, 999, IT systems and more...

...could be managed by private companies from December 2011. Richard Crompton, the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire, said that the alternative was to cut the number of police officers. Some argue that private companies don't have the same policing knowledge as police staff.  There are already 13...

8 April 2011

Office warming

We held an office warming party in our new home. Thanks go to Sandra Harper, who organised all the fun.

8 April 2011