
Radical overhaul

A new report from Inquest calls for a radical overhaul of the women’s penal estate and the abolition of imprisonment for...

18 June 2013

Changing rooms?

The Centre has office space available to rent in London for like-minded organisations. Our offices are bright, air conditioned, very close to Vauxhall transport and we have a purpose built meeting room available at highly discounted prices for tenants. The space is approx 680 sq ft on our first...

17 June 2013

Cave dwellers

The Manchester Evening News reports on homeless people forced to live in caves. Grace Dent...

13 June 2013

Captors or carers?

Kazuri Homes released a report on housing conditions for women seeking asylum and questioned whether G4S are ‘captors or carers’. The press release is here and the full report here. Elsewhere...

13 June 2013

I can be bothered

Charlie Weinberg writes about her experiences of working with young people, here

12 June 2013

Taser trouble

Police officers could face criminal charges after a blind man was shot with a 50,000-volt Taser when his white stick was mistaken for a Samurai sword. Prosecutors confirmed that...

12 June 2013

Right to a fair trial

The June issue of Criminal Justice Matters is NOW OUT. The themed section is edited by Professor Ed Cape on criminal defence rights in a global context. Topical articles include Tim...

7 June 2013