
High prison numbers: Are sentencers to blame?

Since his appointment in May, several predictions have been made about the kind of Justice Secretary Michael Gove will be. Expanding the role for the private sector in delivering criminal justice...

23 March 2016

Ending child sex abuse in five generations

'There is a real issue here about how was it that in the past, but continuing today, the very institutions of the state that should be protecting children were not doing so. Why

25 November 2014

Justice matters for women: lifting the lid on Pandora's box

In January this year the Prime Minister, David Cameron, was questioned by the House of Common's Liaison Committe e on the issue of violence against women. In his responses, Cameron emphasised the role of law, police and prosecutors in prevention. Unsurprisingly, he skirted around questions relating...
Helen Mills and Rebecca Roberts
cjm 96: Justice Matters

UK Justice Policy Review: Volume 3

The third in an annual series by the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, supported by the Hadley Trust, tracking year-on-year developments in criminal justice and social welfare across the UK...
17 March 2014

The prison estate and the pound sign

As a qualitative researcher I’m often quick to point out the limits of interpreting the world through numbers. However, having worked on...

11 December 2013