
UK Justice Policy Review: Volume 7

Richard Garside, Roger Grimshaw and Matt Ford
Monday, 25 June 2018

Since 2010, the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, with support from The Hadley Trust, has been assessing criminal justice developments across the UK through its UK Justice Policy Review programme.

Our latest publication – UK Justice Policy Review 7 – covers the period from the 2016 Brexit referendum to the 2017 General Election.

The Review, like previous editions, focuses on the key criminal justice institutions: the police, the courts and access to justice, prisons, and probation across the UK.

In a period which saw significant change and uncertainty, the latest edition offers insight into the implications of Brexit for the different criminal jurisdictions. The General Election not only reflected a shift in voter allegiances but brought policing numbers, expenditure and the impact of spending cuts to the fore.

UK Justice Policy Review 7 provides analysis of these seminal moments alongside general critical criminal justice policy developments during this time.

The report covers developments across the UK, including:

  • Key speeches from the Northern Ireland Justice Secretary, Scottish Justice Secretary, the Home Secretary and the Lord Chancellor
  • Main legislation by the UK parliament and Scottish Parliament
  • Policing, including: police accountability, spending and pressures in the wake of increased reports of hate crime
  • Courts and legal aid, including: court closures, virtual hearings, proposed changes to legal aid fees, developments in Northern Ireland and Scotland
  • Prisons, including: concerns over prison conditions, prison reform, the role of governors, women prisoners, health in prisons and older prisoners
  • Probation, including: Through the Gate provision, service delivery models and the creation of Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service

Can you offer us feedback?

We are keen to encourage feedback on this work, and welcome your suggestions on how we might enhance and improve it.

If you would like to offer us your feedback, you can do so here.  

Get the data

A full set of data, notes and sources for the data dashboard are available to download by clicking on the images of the charts below. 

England and Wales


Northern Ireland