
Labour: benefits for vaccinations?

Parents will need to provide proof that a child’s vaccination records are up to date if they are to receive their child benefit payments under plans considered by Jon Cruddas, Labour’s Policy Chief, as a way to attach conditionality to benefits and services provided by the state. However,...

23 September 2013

Brain scans prove porn is as addictive as drink and drugs

Research by Dr Valerie Voon at Cambridge University claims that compulsive users of pornography have the same signs of addiction in the brain as those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Pornographic images stimulate the part of the brain which processes reward, motivation and pleasure in the...

23 September 2013

Thousands of families face eviction

Since the bedroom tax was introduced in April this year, more than 50,000 council tennants have fallen behind on their rent and face being evicted ...

19 September 2013

Sober up

'Drunks causing nuisance in towns and cities will be held overnight in privately run 'drunk tanks' and charged up to £400 under police leaders' proposals' reports the ...

18 September 2013

50% increase in force against prisoners

Wormwood Scrubs prison has been described as being on a 'knife edge' in a report from the Board of Visitors. Force or restraint measures were used 406 times to control prisoners in the first half of this year in a prison that holds 1,279 inmates - more than 450 of them foreign nationals, reports...

18 September 2013

The human cost of austerity

A spike in the suicide rates in Europe and the US has been linked to the financial crisis and austerity measures, reports the ...

18 September 2013