
'Gender inequality affects all women'

DMSS have released a report which analyses the risk factors associated with negative outcomes across the life course for women and girls. These poor outcomes...

11 August 2014

What's this got to do with violence against women?

My current mantra when training professionals in responding to domestic and sexual violence is ‘if you think a client is ‘difficult’, ‘hostile’ or to use the standard...

9 July 2014

A life of its own

Helen wrote about the Justice Matters for Women Event in a previous blog post and mentioned that this event was...

14 April 2014

Third of EU women experience violence, new report claims

A report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) presents findings from the world’s biggest-ever survey on violence against women, revealing the extent of abuse suffered by women at home, work, in public and online. As well as demonstrating the wide prevalence of violence...

5 March 2014

Is Lady Justice blind or just blinkered?

Most people will be familiar with ‘Lady Justice’ – a statue or picture of a woman often blindfolded, holding a set of scales. Lady Justice is intended to represent objectivity...

19 February 2014