
Alternatives to custody: How is Europe doing?

The Alternatives to Custody in Europe project (ACE) brings together partners from a diverse range of European countries, to assess the evidence and work out whether criminal justice sanctions and...

14 May 2015

What are the alternatives to prison?

The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, in collaboration with the University of Liverpool, held a workshop on alternatives to prison on 21 April 2015. Attended by around 70 campaigners, academics, researchers and activists, participants were presented with the following questions: ...

22 April 2015

Community sentences: a solution to penal excess?

As the population in custody in England and Wales hits a record high, a report from the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies questions the role of community sentences in controlling or reducing...
1 August 2011

cjm 77: Exploring penal reform

This themed section has Jamie Bennett as the guest editor, examining strategies for reforming, and in some cases abolishing, different aspects of the criminal justice system
Criminal Justice Matters
8 September 2009