
Catching more crooks than it employs

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Today's announcement by the Home Secretary Theresa May that the Police Federation will no longer receive public funds has attracted much attention.

In her speech to the Federation Mrs May also listed a series of scandals that have made it 'a time of great difficulty for policing':

'In the last few years, we have seen the Leveson Inquiry. The appalling conclusions of the Hillsborough independent panel. The death of Ian Tomlinson and the sacking of PC Harwood. The ongoing inquiry by an independent panel into the murder of Daniel Morgan. The first sacking of a chief constable for gross misconduct in modern times. The investigation of more than ten senior officers for acts of alleged misconduct and corruption.

'Allegations of rigged recorded crime statistics. The sacking of PCs Keith Wallis, James Glanville and Gillian Weatherley after "Plebgate". Worrying reports by the inspectorate about stop and search and domestic violence. The Herne Review into the conduct of the Metropolitan Police Special Demonstration Squad. The Ellison Review into allegations of corruption during the investigation of the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Further allegations that the police sought to smear Stephen's family. Soon, there will be another judge-led public inquiry into policing.'

This rather damning indictment brings to mind a famous remark by Sir Robert Mark, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police during the 1970s:

'a good police force is one that catches more crooks than it employs'.