
New report: Joint enterprise and the criminalisation of women

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

A new report by Becky Clarke and Dr Kathryn Chadwick details the criminalisation of women convicted under joint enterprise laws.

Stories of Injustice: The criminalisation of women convicted under joint enterprise laws was released last week on JENGbA's website. It explores the experiences of women imprisoned under joint enterprise laws in England and Wales and examines the circumstances in which they were convicted.

Key findings include:

  • In 90 per cent of the cases reviewed, the women had no involvement in the violence for which they were convicted
  • In 50 per cent of the cases, the women were not present at the scene of the crime
  • The youngest age of the person convicted under this law is 13 
  • County prosecutors are still relying on gendered, class and racial stereotypes

Read the full report and join us in supporting the end to joint enterprise.