About us

Dr Roger Grimshaw

Dr Roger Grimshaw is Research Director at the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.

Roger has been responsible for a wide range of research studies on criminological and social welfare topics. He has managed a varied set of research studies on services and interventions for people who offend, or are considered at risk of doing so: offender accommodation services; local authority secure children's homes; prisoner resettlement; provision for young people who sexually abuse; the Detention and Training Order; services for women prisoners; and the impact of a prison radio station, as well as other voluntary sector work in prisons and secure mental health settings. As a researcher on the needs of children, he has specialised in studies of provision, particularly residential centres, for vulnerable and challenging young people.

He  worked on the analysis of criminal justice spending under New Labour and helped young people convicted of grave crimes to tell the stories of trauma and violence in their lives.

He is currently leading an evidence and policy review on institutional care and poverty commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

You can contact Roger on: roger.grimshaw@crimeandjustice.org.uk

Articles by Roger

Institutions, abuse and justice (3 April, 2014)
Housing support - or support for living? (August 20, 2013)

Publications by Roger

Housing needs of women from minority ethnic groups leaving HMP Holloway (August 2013)
My Story: Young people talk about the trauma and violence in their lives (November 2011)
Magistrates' courts' and Crown Court expenditure, 1999-2009 (September 2010)
Prison and probation expenditure, 1999-2009 (July 2010)
Police expenditure, 1999-2009 (May 2010)