
Police bail without charge – leaving suspects in limbo

When the police arrest a person on suspicion that they have committed a criminal offence, they can detain the suspect in a police station whilst they carry out an investigation, including by questioning the suspect.

16 October 2019

Police bail without charge: a funny way to restore lost rights

When it came to power in May 2010, the Coalition government promised to take action to ‘reverse the substantial erosion of civil liberties and roll back state intrusion’ and, in particular, ‘to restore rights of non-violent protest’ (HM Government, 2010). Yet, when presented with a challenge to the...
Ed Cape
cjm 86: Criminal justice and the coalition

Campaigners call for end to pre-charge police bail

Last night the Centre's director, Richard Garside, was interviewed on BBC Newsnight on the issue of police bail.

He argued that police should not blame cuts for the problems with bail. He said;

The police remain a very well resourced public service. In the decade to 2010, police funding went up in real terms by 50%.

The full Newsnight programme can be viewed on...

2 December 2014