
Why it is time to repeal the Vagrancy Act of 1824

There are many strands linking homelessness and the criminal justice system. Ex-offenders leaving prison struggle to access accommodation on release. They often lose their homes while in custody.

26 November 2019

Drill music not a criminal offence

The Centre's director, Richard Garside, is co-signatory to a letter in Sunday's Guardian criticising police use of so-called 'drill-injunctions'. 

The letter calls on the Metropolitan Police to desist with issuing injunctions for drill music, stating that such measures are counterproductive and a threat to freedom of expression. 

4 February 2019

The theory and politics of criminalisation

The Daily Telegraph (18 April 2008) recently ran with the headline ‘Teenage drinkers could be criminalised’. In 2007 the Chair of the Youth Justice Board resigned primarily in frustration that ‘we are criminalising more and more children and young people’ for relatively minor offences in order to...
John Muncie
cjm 102: And finally...

Punishing the young unemployed

Nearly 20 years ago, the New Labour ‘government-in-waiting’ was celebrated for putting major reductions in youth unemployment at the top of its election pledges.

David Cameron similarly...