
Building back better?

We recently launched a new interactive map of prisons in England and Wales, as a resource for people to explore prisons in their local area, the footprint the prisons occupy, and how the prisons relate to the surrounding area.

3 September 2021

Planning for the future

The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies has been operating without a formal strategy for over a year, with lockdown disrupting our normal planning cycle.

16 July 2021

Join our movement!

Last March, I wrote that when we come out of the pandemic, things should not go back to business as usual.

15 July 2021

A better future

At the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, we believe that there is always a better use for a piece of land than as a place for a prison.

9 July 2021

Every three days

“Over the ten years from 2009 to 2018, at least 1,425 women were killed by men in the UK. This means that a man killed a woman every three days.”

27 November 2020

Matt Ford interview in Sputnik News

The Centre's Research Analyst, Matt Ford answers questions on UK's "skyrocketing" prison population and government prison building programme.

The interview, appearing in Sputnik News last week by Mohamed Elmaazi covers the general state of prison conditions, the politics of the prison building programme and realistic alternatives to imprisonment.

On the subject of alternatives to imprisonment, Matt said:...

14 September 2020