
Vulnerable face eviction as hostel funding is slashed

Bristol council has drastically cut support for nine hostels which affects up to 150 vulnerable tenants, many of who are victims of domestic violence, have mental health issues or have addictions, reports...

25 September 2013

Police Minister: less formal sanctions for petty crimes

Damian Green, Police Minister, is believed to have told chief constables to allow police officers to use their judgement in deciding whether to have out formal sanctions for petty crimes, rather than just 'tick the boxes’, reports ...

25 September 2013

Stephen Fry demands the end of mass surveillance

Many celebrities have joined with 40 free speech groups in a bid to end mass surveillance by the British GHCQ and the American NSA who use programmes to crack online encryption and widely collect personal data of its citizens, reports...

24 September 2013

Under 12s targeted by stop-and-search teams

A report by the charity Release claims that of the 17,000 stop-and-searches that took place in London last year, 550 were of people aged 12 years and under, reports ...

24 September 2013

A4e found guilty of racial discrimination

A training company who provides employment services for the Department of Work and Pensions has been ordered to pay 40 yr old Rohim Ullah £50,000 in compensation after being unlawfully dismissed from his position in the company, according to...

23 September 2013

Diabetes is predicted to double within two decades

By 2025 there is expected to be 5 million sufferers of diabetes; the majority have Type 2 which is closely linked to obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. The NHS is already using 10% of its entire budget treating the disease and so the charity Diabetes UK is making it their mission to educate...

23 September 2013

Labour: benefits for vaccinations?

Parents will need to provide proof that a child’s vaccination records are up to date if they are to receive their child benefit payments under plans considered by Jon Cruddas, Labour’s Policy Chief, as a way to attach conditionality to benefits and services provided by the state. However,...

23 September 2013

Brain scans prove porn is as addictive as drink and drugs

Research by Dr Valerie Voon at Cambridge University claims that compulsive users of pornography have the same signs of addiction in the brain as those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Pornographic images stimulate the part of the brain which processes reward, motivation and pleasure in the...

23 September 2013