
Pollution link to low birth weight

A new study published in The Lancet Respitory Medicine journal has found a correlation between low birth weight and mothers living in areas with more pollution and heavy traffic.

According to...

15 October 2013

Wealth more heritable than genes

The Guardian's Polly Toynbee criticises claims by Dominic Cummings, special advisor to the Education Secretary Michael Gove, that genetics plays a crucial role in a child's educational attainment.

'Like Cummings',...

15 October 2013

Mass online surveillance undermining integrity of legal system

The Law Society is considering issuing guidance to lawyers across England and Wales after fears that mass online surveillance by the government is undermining the potential to take legal action against the state.

According to ...

14 October 2013

Victims of crime to be prioritised after independent report

The Justice Secretary has endorsed a report that says ‘the scales of British justice should be tipped more towards victims of crime’. Among many recommendations the report states that criminal cases should take no longer than six months to reach court from point of charge.

You can find...

14 October 2013

Vicky Pryce on women prisoners

Vicky Pryce, jailed for eight months for perverting the course of justice, gave an interesting interview this morning on BBC Radio Four's Today Programme.

Most women were in prison because of something the men in their...

14 October 2013

Imprisoned young adults needs not met

A new report by the Transitions to Adulthood Alliance, authored by Rob Allen, has found that in many instances prisons fail to provide sufficient activities, education and levels of safety for young adults.

You can find the full report online...

11 October 2013

Ketamine more harmful than many think, drug advisor claims

Sir Les Iverson, chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs says Ketamine users as young as 20 are suffering permanent bladder damage from Ketamine use.

'This is a lifetime sentence for young users or any users,'...

11 October 2013