
Antisocial behaviour research cited in new report

Monday, 25 February 2019

The centre's research on antisocial behaviour powers and young adults has been cited in the latest research from the Institute of Race Relations.

Published last summer, Antisocial behaviour powers young adults is a two-part research briefing analysing how three key antisocial behaviour powers are being used to sanction young people in England and Wales. 

Jessica Perera, the author of The London Clearances: Race, Housing and Policing highlights that councils and housing associations can now use dispersal powers, community protection notices and public spaces protection orders in a move which has led to increasing sanctions against young people. 

Perera also highlights Dangerous associations: Joint enterprise, gangs and racisma report we published by Patrick Williams and Becky Clarke examining the processes of criminalisation that contribute to unequal outcomes for young Black, Asian and Minority ethnic people.