
Looking for new Trustees

Monday, 25 September 2023

Our Trustee Board is expanding and we’re inviting applications from people who want to support our aims, share our commitments and grow our impact.

At the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies we create lively spaces for collaboration and learning, where conventional criminal justice policy agendas are scrutinised and challenged, fresh knowledge and ideas are discussed, and transformational solutions are developed.

We are particularly interested in hearing from people for whom collaboration and creative problem-solving are important and people who relish the opportunity to make significant contributions to a high profile, sometimes controversial and always questioning, national organisation.

Trustees are legally responsible for the well-being, integrity and health of the organisation and its people, so while this role is a big responsibility, it is a big reward and we look forward to welcoming your application.

Download the prospective trustee information pack below, or check out the details on the Charity Job website.