
What has gone down must go up

“Mum phones every day. I cannot explain how it makes me feel. It makes me feel sad and confused”.

10 July 2020

Poverty is not a crime: ending imprisonment for debt

As the country prepares to enter into a new legal and political era, marked by novel and complex constitutional challenges, some of the most vulnerable members of society, and particularly women, are facing legal battles which would not be out of place in Victorian times.

18 October 2019

Transgender prisoners

Transgender prisoners – those, mostly males, who assert a gender identity at odds with their birth sex – pose a challenge for prison managers.

11 September 2018

Consensus on women in prison, but where's the action?

There has been more inexplicable delay in the government’s plans for women in criminal justice. It renders urgent the question of how to address women’s health issues and the harmful impact of...

25 May 2018

Trapped in the Justice Loop

Former Ministry of Justice lead on women in the criminal justice system, Liz Hogarth OBE, calls for an end to the 'out-dated concept of prison for women', in this important assessment of justice policy over the past decade

10 May 2017

End 'out-dated' prison for women, new report call

The out-dated concept of prison for women should be replaced by a twenty-first century environment designed for women in need of some kind of containment, according to a new report out today from the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies. The call comes in the Centre's latest report,...

10 May 2017