
Free school for 'troubled children' to open in September

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Theresa May has announced that Police and Crime Commissioners should have the power to set up free schools for 'troubled children', The Guardian reports. 

The Home Secretary said these free schools should 'support troubled children and prevent them falling into a life of crime'.

A 1,200 pupil free school with a 'crime specific curriculum' set up by Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner Adam Simmonds will open in September.

Our director Richard Garside said:

'This would have been a good announcement for the Home Secretary to make on April Fools Day. The police are too involved in the lives of troubled children as it is. We don't need more police mission creep.

'The appropriate educational response for troubled children is good mainstream provision in schools, properly resourced, and underpinned by support and training for teachers.'