
cjm 92: Criminal defence rights in a global context

Friday, 7 June 2013

Ed Cape guest edits the themed section for this issue on criminal defence rights in a global context, with contributors from England and Wales as well as from an international background.

Topical articles include Tim Bateman on the age of criminal responsibility; Roy Coleman and Joe Sim on regeneration and repression in Liverpool and an appreciation by Barbara Hudson of Professor Stan Cohen.

In this edition

Ed Cape introduces this issue of cjm

By Ed Cape

Ed Cape examines how the right to a fair trial has developed and how it is implemented

By Ed Cape

Caroline Morgan outlines the first measure adopted under EU ‘roadmap’ of suspects’ rights

By Caroline Morgan

Jago Russell and Alex Tinsley highlight the difficulties of close co-operation

By Jago Russell and Alex Tinsley

Jodie Blackstock describes the developments in and obstacles to defence rights

By Jodie Blackstock

Jacqueline Hodgson explores the challenges in accessing a lawyer when in police custody

By Jacqueline Hodgson

Nadejda Hriptievschi explains the origins of the scheme and the problems in implementing it

By Nadejda Hriptievschi

Martin Schönteich examines arbitrary and excessive pre-trial imprisonment

By Martin Schönteich

Roger Smith argues that the news is not all bad

By Roger Smith

Madhurima Dhanuka looks at the gap between criminal law and practice in the sub-continent

By Madhurima Dhanuka

Isadora Fingermann points out that, while the law guarantees rights, reality on the ground often tells a different story

By Isadora Fingermann

Tim Bateman highlights the case for and resistance against raising the age in England and Wales

By Tim Bateman

Roy Coleman and Joe Sim explore constructs of inclusion – and exclusion

By Roy Coleman and Joe Sim

Paul Taylor, Karen Corteen and Sharon Morley discuss the impact on practitioners of the deaths of people using their services

By Paul Taylor, Karen Corteen and Sharon Morley

Gillian Hunter and Polly Radcliffe consider magistrates’ rehabilitative potential

By Gillian Hunter and Polly Radcliffe

David Gadd, Claire Fox and Becky Hale report on the REaDAPt project

By David Gadd, Claire Fox and Becky Hale

Mike Guilfoyle reflects on the likely impact of the latest government’s proposals

By Mike Guilfoyle

Barbara Hudson remembers the eminent sociologist

By Barbara Hudson