
Investigating alternatives to custody across Europe

This month sees the Centre starting work on a new project comparing alternatives to incarceration across eight European countries.

The European Observatory on Alternatives to Incarceration, a two year project funded by the European Union, will draw on the expertise of...

4 July 2014

Open letter calling for drug policy reform

Our Director Richard Garside was one of more than 80 individuals and organisations who signed an open letter to the Prime Minister calling for a review of the United Kingdom's approach to illegal drugs.

The letter was organised by drugs charity Release and published yesterday as part of...

27 June 2014

Reaction to MPs' report on crime reduction policies

A new report out today from the House of Commons Justice Committee has called on the government to 'question whether taxpayers’ money is used in ways most likely to reduce future crime and victimisation, including evaluating that spent on custodial sentencing, and develop a longer-term strategy...

26 June 2014

And we have a winner

Andrew Henley, a graduate teaching assistant and PhD student at Keele University, is the worthy winner of 2014 Centre for Crime and Justice Studies essay prize.

Entrants to this year's competition were asked to write an essay of between 1,400 and 1,600 words on what criminal justice...

25 June 2014