6 November 2012

A transcript of the 2012 Eve Saville lecture given by Professor Pat Carlen to the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies on 6 November 2012.

11 July 2012

So it is that Civitas, a think tank that has long argued in favour of higher imprisonment rates, has published a paper arguing that tougher prison sentences result in lower crime.

25 May 2012
Richard Garside discusses the problems with government research on youth crime.
16 May 2012

Last week I wrote that a coherent plan of action to control and reduce the prison population in the UK was desperately needed to arrest the alarming drift towards ever higher prison numbers.

So what might such a plan look like? How can we downsize prison?

Here are my suggestions, in the form of five propositions.

9 May 2012

I’ve been tracking the UK prison population since the beginning of the year to get a sense of some of the underlying trends.

My interest here is the UK prison population, not just the prison population of England and Wales, a figure more commonly the focus of London-based policy elites.

2 May 2012

Richard Garside assess calls by Louise Casey for social workers to be more assertive in their dealings with troubled families.

26 April 2012

Richard Garside discusses Prison Minister Crispin Blunt's latest speech on the rehabilitation revolution and asks whether results really are the only thing that matter.

1 March 2012

An unreferenced version of Professor Tim Hope's introduction to cjm 87, looking at the August 2011 riots.

16 November 2011

Based on her 2011 Eve Saville Lecture Susie Orbach writes about the role psychoanalytical theory can play in understanding the relationships between recession, riots and social change.

2 November 2011

This review of David Garland's book on capital punishment - 'Peculiar Institution' - first appeared in issue 52(1) of the British Journal of Criminology.

13 October 2011

Crumbs of comfort in today’s new guidelines on burglary from the Sentencing Council. The age of those convicted, or their ‘lack of maturity’, is listed as a mitigating factor when it comes to sentencing.

20 July 2011

At the anniversary party for the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, at the IET London overlooking the Thames, Richard Garside gave a speech to the gathered audience to celebrate the Centre's past 80 years.