
Sexual abuse alleged at immigration centre

Police have launched an investigation into claims that a woman who was held at Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, run by Serco,  was subject to inappropriate sexual behaviour from guards. Reported by ...

16 September 2013

Jails: holding pens for foreign ex-offenders

Government data shows that on a single day last month nearly 1,000 foreign nationals were held in prison despite completing their prison sentences, reports...

16 September 2013

Benefit cheat crackdown

Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions is to set out new guidelines for the Crown Prosecution Service on the prosecution of 'middle class' and 'professional' cheats. The Times front...

16 September 2013

Survey shows extent of sexual violence

'Nearly a quarter of men in the Asia-Pacific region have admitted to committing rape at least once in their life, according to a suvey released today, with more than half of those respondents claiming they raped for the first time while in their teens', reports ...

10 September 2013

Live and let live?

The British Social Attitudes Survey which surveys more than 3,000 people is reported across news sources today. There has been a shift 'towards a more sympathetic stance on welfare benefits and recipients'. In general, British society has become more liberal, individual and cynical, reports ...

10 September 2013