
Our Director and Trustee in The Economist

Friday, 11 May 2018

Both our Director and Trustee have been quoted in The Economist in an article about the continued use of the gang matrix by the Metropolitan Police.

The gang matrix has received national press coverage this week after Amnesty International produced a report highlighting the high numbers of ethnic minorities on the matrix. 

Our Trustee, Patrick Williams, who is also a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Manchester Metropolitan University, told The Economist that for those frequently subjected to stop and search tactics, it can feel, 'akin to living in a police state'.

On the issue, our Director, Richard Garside, referred to a scheme at a hospital in Cardiff where anonymised information about where incidents have happened is shared with the police. As a result, crime has decreased in identified hot-spot areas without the need for disclosing private information.

Read the full article here