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This workshop will assess important developments in alternatives to custody across the UK since 2000, focusing on the work of women’s centres; maturity assessments for young adults; and the use of electronic monitoring and tracking through various stages of the justice process.

About the workshop

This workshop will assess important developments in alternatives to custody in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland since 2000. After providing contextual analysis and data on recent trends, there will be sessions focusing on: the work of women’s centres; maturity assessments for young adults; and the use of electronic monitoring and tracking through various stages of the justice process. The workshop will identify good national practice and areas for concern.


The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies is the UK partner in an EU-funded project examining alternatives to custody in Europe, a subject we have been researching in depth for over a decade. This project takes a critical look at current practices across nine EU states including the UK. Themes for discussion include the over-use and growing punitiveness of alternative sanctions and their failure to reduce prison numbers or re-convictions. We will also aim to identify policies and practices that could reverse the current trend and help to turn around our over-reliance on incarceration and excessive supervision.

Agenda for the day

There will be four sessions:

  • Political and policy developments in the use of community sanctions and post-release supervision measures
  • Effective practice around alternatives to custody for young adults, focusing on the importance of maturity assessment by those working in probation
  • Ensuring better use of alternatives for women, focusing on the work of Women’s Centres
  • The Issues raised by our increasing reliance on electronic monitoring and tracking throughout the criminal justice process.

This workshop will be of interest to criminal practice and policy experts from all three UK jurisdictions. Participants will have expertise or interest in community sanctions, probation and the wider political framework around sentencing, prison and supervision. 

A buffet lunch will be provided.

Venue, time and date

June 10th, 2015 from  9:30 AM to  4:00 PM
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
2 Langley Lane
London, SW8 1GB
United Kingdom
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